
Upgrading Nuxt.js is quick, but more involved than updating your package.json

If you are upgrading to Nuxt v2.14 and want to use static hosting then you will need to add target:static to your nuxt.config.js file in order for the generate command to work properly.

export default {
  target: 'static'

Getting Started

  1. Check the release notes for the version you wish to upgrade to see if there are any additional instructions for that particular release.
  2. Update the version specified for the nuxt package in your package.json file.

After this step instructions vary depending upon whether you are using Yarn or npm. Yarn is the preferred package manager for working with Nuxt as it is the development tool which tests have been written against.


  1. remove yarn.lock file
  2. remove node_modules directory
  3. Run the yarn command
  4. After installation has completed and you have run your tests consider upgrading other dependencies as well. The yarn outdated command can be used.


  1. remove package-lock.json file
  2. remove node_modules directory
  3. Run the npm install command
  4. After installation has completed and you have run your tests consider upgrading other dependencies as well. The npm outdated command can be used.
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Jul 12, 2021