The validate method

Nuxt.js lets you define a validator method inside your dynamic route component.

  • Type: Function or Async Function

validate is called every time before navigating to a new route. It will be called server-side once (on the first request to the Nuxt app) and client-side when navigating to further routes. This method takes the context object as an argument.

validate({ params, query, store }) {
  return true // if the params are valid
  return false // will stop Nuxt.js to render the route and display the error page
async validate({ params, query, store }) {
  // await operations
  return true // if the params are valid
  return false // will stop Nuxt.js to render the route and display the error page

You can also return promises:

validate({ params, query, store }) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve()))

Nuxt.js lets you define a validator method inside your dynamic route component (In this example: pages/users/_id.vue).

If the validate method does not return true, Nuxt.js will automatically load the 404 error page.

export default {
  validate({ params }) {
    // Must be a number
    return /^\d+$/.test(

You can also check some data in your store for example (filled by nuxtServerInit before action):

export default {
  validate({ params, store }) {
    // Check if `` is an existing category
    return store.state.categories.some(category => ===

You can also throw expected or unexpected errors during validate function execution:

export default {
  async validate({ params, store }) {
    // Throws a 500 internal server error with custom message
    throw new Error('Under Construction!')
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