The ModuleContainer class

All modules will be called within context of ModuleContainer instance.

Tapable plugins

We can register hooks on certain life cycle events.

nuxt.moduleContainer.plugin('ready', async moduleContainer => {
  // Do this after all modules where ready

Inside modules context we can use this instead:

this.plugin('ready', async moduleContainer => {
  // Do this after all modules where ready
Plugin Arguments When
ready moduleContainer All modules in nuxt.config.js has been initialized


addVendor (vendor)

Deprecated as vendor isn't used anymore

Adds to and apply unique filter.

addTemplate (template)

  • template: String or Object
    • src
    • options
    • fileName

Renders given template using lodash template during build into project buildDir (.nuxt).

If fileName is not provided or template is string, target file name defaults to [dirName].[fileName].[pathHash].[ext].

This method returns final { dst, src, options } object.

addPlugin (template)

  • template: Object properties (src, options, fileName, mode).

Registers a plugin using addTemplate and prepends it it to plugins[] array.

  src: path.resolve(__dirname, 'templates/foo.js'),
  fileName: 'foo.server.js' // [optional] only include in server bundle
  options: moduleOptions

Note: You can use mode or .client and .server modifiers with fileName option to use plugin only in client or server side. (See plugins for all available options)

If you choose to specify a fileName, you can configure a custom path for the fileName too, so you can choose the folder structure inside .nuxt folder in order to prevent name collisioning:

  fileName: path.join('folder', 'foo.client.js'), // will result in `.nuxt/folder/foo.client.js`

addServerMiddleware (middleware)

Pushes middleware into options.serverMiddleware .

extendBuild (fn)

Allows easily extending webpack build config by chaining function.

extendRoutes (fn)

Allows easily extending routes by chaining function.

addModule (moduleOpts, requireOnce)

Async function

Registers a module. moduleOpts can be a string or an array ([src, options]). If requireOnce is true and the resolved module exports meta, it prevents registering same module twice.

requireModule (moduleOpts)

Async function

Is a shortcut for addModule(moduleOpts, true)


We can register hooks on certain life cycle events.

Hook Arguments When
modules:before (moduleContainer, options) Called before creating ModuleContainer class, useful to overload methods and options.
modules:done (moduleContainer) Called when all modules have been loaded.
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Jul 12, 2021