Deploy Nuxt on Koyeb Serverless Platform

Deploy Nuxt on Koyeb Serverless Platform with Docker

Koyeb is a developer-friendly serverless platform to deploy apps globally. The platform lets you seamlessly run Docker containers, web apps, and APIs with git-based deployment, native autoscaling, a global edge network, and built-in service mesh and discovery.

In this guide, we showcase how to dockerize and deploy a Nuxt application on the Koyeb platform.

Koyeb allows you to deploy Docker containers from the registry of your choice. In this guide we use the Docker Hub to store our image but you are free to use the GitHub Container Registry , the GitLab Container Registry or any other container registry provider.


To successfully follow and complete this guide, you need:

  1. A Nuxt project to deploy. You can use the create-nuxt-app to create a Nuxt project and get started
  2. A Koyeb account to deploy and run the dockerized Nuxt application
  3. A Docker Hub account to push the Docker image and deploy it on Koyeb

Getting started

In your Nuxt application directory run the following command to install dependencies:


Once the dependencies are installed, launch your application and ensure everything is working fine:

yarn dev

Dockerize your application

To Dockerize your Nuxt application, you need to create a Dockerfile in your project directory containing the content below:

FROM node:lts as builder


COPY . .

RUN yarn install \
  --prefer-offline \
  --frozen-lockfile \
  --non-interactive \

RUN yarn build

RUN rm -rf node_modules && \
  NODE_ENV=production yarn install \
  --prefer-offline \
  --pure-lockfile \
  --non-interactive \

FROM node:lts


COPY --from=builder /app  .


CMD [ "yarn", "start" ]

To build the Docker image execute the following command:

docker build . -t <YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME>/my-nuxt-project

This command will build the Docker image with the name <YOUR_DOCKER_HUB>/my-nuxt-project. Once the build is over, you can run a container using the image locally to validate everything is working as expected running:

docker run -p 3000:3000 <YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME>/my-nuxt-project

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view your project landing page.

Push your Docker image to a container registry

Since our Docker image is built and functional in our test, we can now upload it to a container registry. In this documentation, we will store our image on the Docker Hub. In your terminal run the command below to push the image:

docker push <YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME>/my-nuxt-project

Deploy the Nuxt application to production on Koyeb

On the Koyeb Control Panel, click the Create App button.

In the form, fill the Docker image field with the name of the image we previously created which should look like <YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME>/my-nuxt-project.

Check the box Use a private registry and, in the select field, click Create Registry Secret.

A modal opens asking for:

  • a name for the Secret which will be created, we can use for instance docker-hub-secret
  • the registry provider to generate the secret containing your private registry credentials, in our case Docker Hub
  • your Docker Hub username and password. We recommend you to generate an access token from the Docker Hub to use instead of your password. Once you've filled all the fields, click the Create button.

We don't need to change the Path, our app will be available at the root of our domain: /.

Give your App a name, i.e nuxt-app, and click Create App.

You can add more regions to deploy your applications, set environment variables, and define the horizontal scaling according to your needs.

You will automatically be redirected to the Koyeb App page where you can follow the progress of your Nuxt application deployment. In a few seconds, once your app is deployed, click on the Public URL ending with

Your Nuxt application is now running on Koyeb and benefits from native autoscaling, automatic HTTPS (SSL), auto-healing, and global load-balancing across our edge network.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Mon, Jul 12, 2021